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ABC No Rio: Home to Punks in NYC

The Place Where Punk Lives

CBGBs, St. Mark's Place, The Ramones, colored mohawks, spiked leather jackets -- those are some of the images that come to mind when "punk" and "New York City" are paired up.


The article "The Place Where Punk Lives" on Liner Notes gives a great look into the punk scene the is still alive and well in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Through the article and photography, we get a pass into their hub of activity - ABC No Rio.


I've gotten a crash course into the punk scene via my friend Shawn who is featured in the article. The description of his energy and passion are spot on. He has invited me to ABC No Rio quite a few times. I love firsthand experiences into other worlds -- perhaps on a day when there isn't hard punk music playing, I'll check it out. I'm sure to find a niche that I fit it with. Punk is a culture that is very inclusive with many of it's own subcultures. 


Check out this article on where punk lives in New York City.